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The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes
BD 11.754
A Handbook to Eddic Poetry: Myths and Legends of Early Scandinavia
BD 27.500
Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook
BD 20.066
Women and Writing in Medieval Europe
BD 24.485
Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones
BD 9.402
The Land of the Green Man: A Journey through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles
BD 13.800
Winter is Coming: Die mittelalterliche Welt von Game of Thrones (German Edition)
BD 17.200
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature
BD 28.500
Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature: Body, Mind, Voice
BD 16.921
All Men Must Die: Power and Passion in Game of Thrones
BD 11.933
Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones
BD 15.414
I am the Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future
BD 6.402
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature
BD 42.751
The Poetic Edda (Oxford World's Classics)
BD 7.982
Winter is Coming: El mundo medieval en Juego de Tronos
BD 14.969
The Norse Myths That Shape the Way We Think
BD 13.856
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature Hardcover – 21 May 2015
BD 41.400
[(The Poetic Edda)] [ Translated by Carolyne Larrington ] [September, 2014]
BD 10.626
Winter is coming: Les racines médiévales de Game of Thrones
BD 8.200
BD 24.000
Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature – Body, Mind, Voice: 83 (Arthurian Studies)
BD 115.900
Memory and Medievalism in George RR Martin and Game of Thrones: The Keeper of All Our Memories
BD 39.679
By Larrington, Carolyne ( Author ) [ The Poetic Edda By Sep-2014 Paperback
BD 4.668
A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre: 5 (Studies in Old Norse Literature)
BD 146.900
All Men Must Die: Power and Passion in Game of Thrones
BD 7.503
All Men Must Die: Power and Passion in Game of Thrones
BD 18.500
A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Wisdom in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry
BD 194.900
The Land of the Green Man: A Journey through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles
BD 14.900
Medieval Romance, Arthurian Literature: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Archibald
BD 81.400
A Handbook to Eddic Poetry: Myths and Legends of Early Scandinavia
BD 27.500
King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition
BD 17.578
Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook
BD 46.800
A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre
BD 63.900
Memory and Medievalism in George RR Martin and Game of Thrones: The Keeper of All Our Memories
BD 78.164
International Medievalisms: From Nationalism to Activism
BD 76.900
Fit für Walhalla: Nordische Mythen für Einsteiger (wbg Paperback) (German Edition)
BD 7.066
Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones
BD 21.700
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature
BD 20.499
King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition
A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Wisdom in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry (Oxford English Monographs)
BD 61.001
Tweaking Things a Little. Essays on the Epic Fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin
BD 52.900
Carolyne Larrington