RiiRoo© TrikeRiderTM Kids Tricycle A little background about how this came to be. When I was really (really) young(er), there was a kid on the street that had a really cool trike, it was bright blue and had a really cool bell (which he, of course, made sure to ring everytime he was riding past). and I never wanted anything more in my life but given that I was young(er) in the early 80's, these trikes were quite expensive and to cut a long story short, I never ended up owning that trike. Fast forward to early this year, when I was contacted by one of our manufacturers to say that they had a product that fits our bill (Quality, Safety Tested, Affordable & Fun) and I saw this Trike, I immediately fell in love and all those memories came rushing back in. It had the Pneumatic air tyres (don't see much of these anymore nowadays), a bucket seat and most importantly a bell (that goddamn bell, that still rings in my ears to this day) so, suffice it to say, I WAS SOLD!
1 month ago
4 days ago