(Region A Blu-ray. Hong Kong version) Languages: Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in Mandarin 國語, part-of Japanese) / Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕 / Synopsis: Director John Woo changed the face of action cinema in 1986 with A Better Tomorrow. Director Ding Sheng resurrects the spirit of that timeless, iconic classic with a brand-new chapter of the heroic bloodshed saga. Two brothers - Kai and Chao - are on opposite sides of the law. Kai heads up a smuggling operation, while his younger brother, Chao, is an up-and-coming star in the police department's narcotics division. Chao has looked up to his older brother all his life, but after a botched drug deal leads to the death of their father, Chao swears off all contact with Kai. 性格剛烈強硬執拗的周凱(王凱 飾)與水手兄弟馬珂(王大陸 飾)一起加入了走私犯罪團夥。後來周凱被犯罪團夥同伴皮筋陷害被抓入獄。周凱的弟弟周超(馬天宇 飾)從小視哥哥為偶像,並不知道哥哥的犯罪活動。從警校剛畢業進入刑警隊時卻親眼目睹周凱被抓,經歷父親被害,從此對哥哥 懷有很深的恨意。 周凱出獄後找到馬珂,才知道馬珂去日本找到了皮筋,為自己報了仇而弄殘了一條腿,同時也在等他回來重新開始。走私犯罪團夥得知周凱出獄後,想拉攏周凱繼續從事犯罪活動,並使用了一些更毒辣的手段逼周凱就犯,兄弟 三人的命運從此發生了改變......
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